If you have issues with your size “down there” or you want a better and longer lasting performance in bed, then male enhancement pills can be your new best friend. Penile pills have become a wonder drug for men who want to address their issues in bed. One of the popular and effective pills is Extenze.
Let’s take a look at the Extenze ingredients.
The Extenze male enhancement pill
A lot of male enhancement pills will tell you the same thing: they can give you bigger and longer erections. However, there is one product that truly works. It is called the Extenze all-natural male enhancement pill.
This supplement helps increase the blood flow into your penis to make it bigger and longer. At the same time, it gives you harder erections for longer endurance in bed.
Extenze is also safe to use. Compared to other enhancement methods and pills such as surgery or vacuum pump, taking this pill have minimal or no side effects at all. You don’t need prescription from your doctor when buying this pill. And in just a few weeks, you can already see changes when in bed.
The Extenze Ingredients
Extenze is proven to give you bigger and harder erections. At the same time, it increases your endurance during sexual moments with your partner. This is because Extenze has natural herbs and vitamins that are blended together to give you a quality and effective pill. The Ingredients Found In Extenze Can Be Classified Into:
Vitamins and Minerals
Aside from being a penis pill, Extenze also promotes your overall health and well being. True to its word, the pill has:
- Folic acid
- Zinc
Pro-hormone support
Extenze has ingredients that can help boost the level of testosterone. In fact, this pill has DHEA or dehydroepiandrosterone. DHEA is a building block for sex hormones that help increase the levels of testosterone. Higher testosterone level means better strength and virility.
Bio-enhancement support
These are:
Ginger root. Ginger Root is a commonly used herbal remedy to manage conditions such as nausea, indigestion and even travel sickness.
- It is also beneficial in treating abdominal pain, irritable bowel and the flu.In Extenze, the role of ginger root is to improve the blood circulation. It does so due to certain active components within Ginger called terpenes and ginger oil. These components not only stimulate circulation, they are also antiseptic and get rid of toxins from the body. This application makes it extremely useful in managing penile blood flow.
Black pepper seed. Black pepper is a commonly used spice for flavouring foods. It has been utilised as in medicine and treatment for many years particularly due to its antioxidant and antibacterial properties.
- In addition to this, it also has an effect on maintaining blood cholesterol levels and reducing harmful cholesterol in the body.This helps reduce atherosclerosis (fat deposition in arteries) and therefore helps maintain normal blood flow. It is well recognised that erectile dysfunction is closely linked to heart disease and reducing atherosclerosis can reduce the chances of suffering difficulty in achieving an infection.
- Piper longum seed
Sexual response enhancement
Extenze is first and foremost an enhancement pill. Its primary aim is to help you maintain an erection and improve your performance in bed.
It contains the finest herbs to make sure that the pill is effective and safe to use. Here is the list of Extenze ingredients:
8 Components of Male enhancement Supplement
1. Yohimbe Extract (bark)
Yohimbe Extract has been used for a number of years as a treatment for erectile dysfunction. As a supplement, it presumably increases blood flow and therefore helps men achieve and sustain an erection.
However, side-effects such as increased blood pressure, elevated heart rate, skin rash and even painful and frequent urination can occur. Of course, this depends on the concentration of this extract within the product, and in small amounts is unlikely to cause these side-effects.
2. Tribulus Terrestris

Tribulus Terrestris is a perennial plant that supposedly enhances testosterone levels in men.
It is often used as a supplement by bodybuilders following a cycle of anabolic steroids (though we do not recommend professional bodybuilders to be using Extenze. Check with your physicians).
3. Korean Ginseng Extract
Ginseng is a popular route that possesses a number of different medicinal properties. It is widely utilised in treating Type II diabetes and is also useful in managing erectile dysfunction in men. It presumably does this by acting on the pituitary gland and increasing the production of gonadotropins that can increase testosterone levels.
4. Xanthroparmelia scarbrosa
Xanthroparmelia scarbrosa is a popular supplement that is used as an alternative to Viagra to enhance sexual arousal in men. It is believed to have an aphrodisiac effect in addition to helping men with erectile dysfunction.
5. Horny Goat Weed
Also called Epimedium sagittatum, the horny goat weed is an herbal remedy used to manage individuals with erectile dysfunction and low libido. While the scientific evidence supporting this effect is not very robust.

There are some supporting studies that indicate that the horny goat weed blocks the enzyme that is responsible for reducing blood flow to the penis. Either way, the results are promising.
6. Muira Puama Extract
This herbal extract is widely used to enhance libido and sexual desire in a physical and psychological man. Increases the flow of blood to the pelvis and enhances not only an erection in men but also orgasms in women.
It is also believed to help enhance the production of sex hormones in both men and women. The only minor side-effect that is associated with this use is a mildly elevated blood pressure.
7. Stinging Nettle
The root of the stinging nettle is believed to increase the levels of testosterone in men. Indirectly, this helps increase libido and enhances sexual function.
8. Astragalus
This has been utilised as a traditional Chinese medicine for a number of years. It is believed the components of chelp combat stress can also contain antioxidants which can protect the blood vessels and heart.
It’s direct effect on sexual function is unclear but it appears that protects the blood vessels that supply blood to the penis by reducing atherosclerosis and damage from free radicals.
Other Ingredients
- Velvet Deer Antler (powder) – Believe it or not, the velvet deer antler can enhance male sexual function. It also boosts your immune system while providing anti-aging properties.
- Eleutherococcus Extract (root) – This herb is called an adaptogen that helps increase endurance in bed. It also enhances your immune function, decreases cortisol levels and promotes better performance in bed.
Photo by Dominiku / CC BY-SA 3.0 Damiana leaf – This herb helps address low energy levels, impotency and even prostate inflammation among men. It also works on the central nervous system, making it an effective aphrodisiac.
- Gamma Aminobutyric Acid (GABA) – GABA can help reduce anxiety and increase the human growth hormone in men. It also regulates the neuronal excitability in the nervous system to give you an extended physical and emotional pleasure during sex.
- Ho Shou Wu extract – This Chinese herb helps men maintain a harder erection and better sexual capability.
- Licorice extract – This herb is an efficient harmonizer that affects the testosterone in the body.
- L-Arginine– A penis pill will not be complete without this. This ingredient helps release anti-aging hormone, improves the production of sperm and boosts the circulation of blood in your member.
With these Extenze ingredients, better and longer orgasm is possible. Try one now and see for yourself. You’ll be amazed with how much this pill can do for you and your sex life. If you’re not satisfied with the results, you can get your money back, 100% guaranteed in full.